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Honorable Mentions Unique Pets


Super Pringle
  @super_pringle  (18.2k)
  A unique bearded dragon with a  golden smile

  Did You Know?

  • A bearded dragon that has his own bicycle
  • Game of thrones is his favorite book with Viserion  being his favorite character 
  • Loves to do cosplay

Pumpkin the Raccoon
  @pumpkintheraccoon (1.5m)
  A rescued Bahamian raccoon who transitioned into the hearts of millions

  Did You Know?

  • Pumpkin was one an abandoned raccoon who was able to become domesticated
  • Has two canine siblings, Oreo and Toffee who co-exist together as a true family
  • Also an author with her own book titled Pumpkin: The Raccoon Who Thought She Was a Dog

Wally and Molly

  @wally_and_molly  (325k)
  The best tailored rabbits on the internet

  Did You Know?

  • Wally was a trimmed adorable rabbit who passed away in May of 2017
  • His legacy is lived on through the delight of Molly, Otis and Suki 
  • All three enjoy wearing wacky hats 

Prissy Pig
  @prissy_pig (689k)
  Two adorable pigs unafraid to make the world their new playground

  Did You Know?

  • Prissy and Pop are a pair of adorable pigs who love to go on adventures
  • They like to dress up and celebrate national holidays such as Christmas and even St. Patrick Day

He Kangaroo Sanctuary
  @hekangaroosanctuary (799k)

  Did You Know?

  • The Sanctuary’s  is to educate and encourage people to rescue and care for kangaroos and other wildlife and animals.
  • Their  motto  is Animals Come First.
  • In 2013 The Sanctuary created a documentary called Kangaroo Dundee tha was made by BBC UK / National Geographic USA 
  • It follows the interesting lives of our mob of rescue kangaroos and other wildlife

Black Jaguar White Tiger
  @blackjaguarwhitetiger  (6.5m)

  Did You Know?

  • The Black Jaguar White Tiger Foundation’s mission is about changing people’s perception about all Animals
  • The Foundation has rescued and cares for over 295 (And counting) Big Felines including: Lions, Jaguars, Tigers, Leopards, Lynxes, Pumas and Servals from a life of abuse in circuses, zoos and breeders, both legal and illegal ones
  • It has also rescued more than 60 Dogs, mostly from the street
  • Black Jaguar-White Tiger™ is rooted in the belief that education can start a revolution; a revolution about Love and Respect for all living beings

Mr. Pokee
  @mr.pokee (434k)
  A hedgehog who loves to stay close to home

  Did You Know?

  • Mr.Pokee is an African Pygmy Hedgehog who loves to travel
  • A huge influence in changing the perception of Hedgehogs becoming household pets
  • Very Photogenic

Juniper Foxx
  @juniperfoxx (2.2m)
  The happiest fox there is

  Did You Know?

  • A popular domesticated Red Fox that loves to explore
  • Very jubilant and playful
  • Star of the book “Juniper The Happiest Fox”

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