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Homeopathy Q & A’s

What should you keep in mind while seeking dog treatments?

Working with a sick or injured dog is an emotional time for you both. Remember that just as it took a while for the disease to get a foot hold in your dog, it will probably take some time for complete health to be restored.

Homeopathy for dog care does have certain limitations. Because homeopathy relies on the natural healing abilities of the body, patients who suffer from advanced organ pathology or crippling diseases can rarely yield a full recovery.

But these animals may indeed experience a greater sense of wellness and a higher quality of life as a result of homeopathic treatments. Again, homeopathic treatments are very safe because they are used in a highly diluted form.

Recovery time and levels from any condition will depend on your dog’s breed, age, overall health, diet, exercise level, former treatments and how long the disease has been present, so ask your vet for realistic outcomes depending on your dog’s circumstances.

Are there any draw

backs to using homeopathy?

I can only think of two and I wouldn’t call them draw backs as much as I would challenges. First is finding the correct remedy out of a possible 2,500+ remedies, and secondly is the speed of recovery.

Finding the correct remedy that matches all the symptoms is by far the most important and this is why much work is put into every individual case. The symptoms must match up to the remedy we want to give. If the symptoms and the remedy do not match, you will have very little if any reaction. But when you do get the right one, awesome things happen. This is where the help of an experienced homeopathic doctor really is indispensable.

The second point is simply that homeopathic remedies heal at the speed of the immune systems ability. Homeopathic remedies are only stimulating the immune system so that it essentially heals itself and depending on the condition healing may happen quickly or slowly.

In comparison to regular

orthodox medicine, how much more effective is homeopathy?

It’s important to give credit where credit is due. There are 2 different modalities–each is specialized to deal with a particular sphere of medicine.

Orthodox medicine as we know it is not only necessary but indispensable when time is of the essence. We’re talking about emergency type situations where surgery is needed, or reconstructive type surgical procedures are called for. On the other hand, homeopathy is better suited when a chronic problem is concerned or simple first aid is required. Neither one is better than the other–you should not use a hammer and expect to do the work of a screw driver and vice versa.

If there is a serious accident–you should go to the Animal Hospital. Work with a homeopathic doctor for chronic type stuff like re-occurring arthritis, allergies or gastro-intestinal issues.

Is homeopathic treatment expensive?

Homeopathic medicines are relatively inexpensive, compared to pharmaceutical drugs prescribed by your Doctor or a Vet, the remedies are very reasonably priced. The area that costs a little more is paying the homeopath for the time spent on consultations and the researching of your pets case. Although the difference here is you are paying for a treatment that will (if done properly) treat the cause, not just the symptoms! So in using Homeopathy there will be very little and hopefully no follow up medication after treatment is complete.

In Homeopathy, the base of the modality is if you treat the root of the problem successfully with the proper homeopathic medicines, you essentially get rid of the cause once and for all. The chances of that problem returning after the treatment, become so much smaller.

The other way to look at this is this way… something is only expensive if it doesn’t work. Simply treating symptoms alone, no matter what route you take is going to get pricey because you are just not getting to the root of the problem. Not to mention needless suffering with an illness for years and years. One should think of it as an investment in their animals health that will pay off a thousand fold for years to come.


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